Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Satan and the Joy of Christmas

Satan and Christmas. There I did it. I put two things that should never be associated together. Christmas is about love and peace and a little baby in a manger and angels and all the trimmings.  What could Satan possibly have to do with the most favorite holiday of all?  

Some of you may say Jesus is the reason for the season, but the little known truth may be that Satan is the reason for the season. I am not going to talk about how the holiday has been canabalized by the world removing Jesus from the focus of the Season (though it is true and I do believe Satan has a hand in it). I am going to focus on the first Christmas and Satan's role there. 

You see, we are born sinners and we are born of sinners. The DNA of Adam has continued down through the generations. We do not need to be taught selfishness, anger, greed, hostility - they all come very naturally.  We can try to learn to suppress our nature and put a good spin on ourselves but we are just putting lipstick on a pig. We can't completely cover our sin. 

We were born into a world that became dominated by Satan in the garden. Because of his influence Adam gave in to sin and we have been under Satan's power ever since. We lost all hope when Adam sinned - fellowship with God lost. Satan can ruin our fellowship but he doesn't have the power to restore it. God himself provided the way in Gen 3:15:  And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.  God promised a deliverer that could crush Satan and overcome his power. We are at odds with Satan and he would be our undoing if we did not have God's intervention in our lives. 

Then came Jesus!  Our Deliverer from the power Satan had over us. He came to offer us salvation and to pay the penalty not only for all my sins which are gray indeed but for your sins too and for the sin of all generations who will only believe and trust God's plan of salvation. There is only one. 

The fact that we were in such despair and without hope until Jesus came to earth makes the season so much more joyful. Satan's oppression is broken and we have fellowship of the Spirit here and the hope of eternity in Heaven. Glory to God in the Highest!  Now THAT is good news!  

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