Thursday, June 11, 2015

Why I Admire Josh Duggar

The media buzz around the Duggar family is disconcerting.  Here 5 young women have to relive the scandal that brought distress years ago all over again. I wouldn't write this if I thought the points had been covered by the commentators, but I think something is missing from their discussion. Josh Duggar by all accounts did some amazing things for a young man in response to his wrongdoing as a teen. I admire the character he displayed even as he made wrong choices. 

One of the things I admire most is Josh's confession. Few of us would turn ourselves in for crimes we have committed.  But by his parents' account Josh confessed his wrong doing. He also confessed it to his fiancĂ© as well before marriage. It takes remarkable strength of character to verbalize your wrongdoings. Our natural tendency is to cover up our offenses and never properly deal with them. 

 As I think back of all the boys I have known in my past, all of them had an interest in female body as teens. Many of them I know are guilty of "copping a feel" or at least peering at girls who may have a wardrobe malfunction or wear clothes a little too tight or a little too loose. None of my network of family, friends and acquaintances would have run to admit what they had done. 

If Josh Duggar had said nothing, the acts might never have been known since the victims apparently we're all unaware. Yet, Josh's integrity resulted in consequences. You and I are also faced each day with the choice to tell the whole truth even if it may have consequences. If we fully disclose every source of income on our taxes or only take what is rightfully ours, we might have consequences we don't care to consider. If we are people of absolute integrity we will not compromise the truth.  Every act of deception has within it the power to do harm to another individual or group.  By the accounts of Josh's parents he did not compromise or try to deceive. 

Even as the scandal broke he confessed it was true to the world. How many of us would be willing to have our failures publicly exposed. How many of us would make excuses or twist the story in our favor. Josh did none of that, even though it cost his reputation and his livelihood. He was a man of character and admitted his failure. 1 John 1:9 (HCSB). If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

When Josh confessed to police he faced the judgment of our legal system and had the scrutiny of Social Services, police and the community placed on him. 

Josh paid for his own counseling to demonstrate to the victims that he was sincere in his repentance. Few criminals would pay the cost to assure their victims that there was no need for fear. 

Josh knows how much one decision can change the course of your life. His wrong decisions have cost him in terms of his reputation.   We too are faced with the same problem. One act of sin in our lives is worthy of judgment. Scripture tells us that the act of sin is a reflection of the sinful character we inherited from Adam and have to battle all the days of our lives. Even one act is deserving of eternal damnation and we can never get away from this dreadful condition we are in apart from having the righteousness of Jesus Christ applied to our hearts. Those that stand in condemnation of Josh's sin also have this inner sinful nature that must be addressed either through their own confession of sin and receiving of redemption or must allow God himself to address that sin when He judges their lives. I can be more forgiving of Josh Duggar because I know what a big sinner I am. It doesn't mean we disregard sin; it means we address it with the goal of restoration. 

Josh Duggar knows the power of that one right choice of making Jesus his Lord. His faith doesn't undo the wrongs of the past, but though he is completely guilty, he has the hope of eternity in Heaven because though his choice left him bankrupt, Jesus took the penalty of eternity in Hell he would have suffered. He is certainly being oppressed I the kangaroo courts of public opinion, but he can have peace even in the midst of this storm because of his adoption into the family of God. 

I think of how much Josh's story is like that of the Apostle Paul. He had oppressed Christians and even murdered them, but had a moment of conversions that changed the course of his life. His reputation followed him forever, but his new zeal for the Lord would establish a new reputation for him; a reputation God Hself built in his life. 

I have been encouraged by the character of the Duggar family. There may be aspects of their story that if told would disappoint me, after all  they are human and they are sinners. But I have been encouraged by their testimony to stand firm in my faith and to not let the world influence my choices but look to God to supply all my needs. 

I have mixed feelings about the continuance of the television show. As a Christian, I would like to see how dealing with this situation causes them to trust God more and to find Him faithful as they do. They will do that whether it is recorded or not. God's record is complete and it is their standing before Him that matters. 

I pray for Josh, Anna (yet another victim of this media frenzy) and their family. I pray that as God opens this new chapter of their lives that they may have God's peace and a new sense of purpose in this new circumstance. 

I pray for the victims of the acts that were committed. The victim list that grows each day as the media stories continue, not through Josh's continued acts of aggression but through the exposure, others have to endure greater disruption to their lives. 

I pray for those who have such hate and disdain for the Duggars that they may come to the end of themselves and find that God offers them the same offer of forgiveness that Josh received. They too can be rid of their anger and judgement as they realize they are on the receiving end of God's grace. 

This blog was written before the Ashley Madison scandal came out and I do not condone Josh's choices, I believe he can turn things around for himself. The public wants to paint this man as evil, but in fact he made choices not unlike others. We are so quick to throw stones particularly at public figures who have publicly stated they are people of faith.  We see adultery in biblical passages even from men after God's own heart. This was a sin against God, against his wife and ultimately against himself. I am glad to hear that he is getting counsel. 

After all this sad news, the one I admire most is Anna, Josh's wife for standing firm through the fire of enduring public humiliation resulting from Josh's sin. 

If all the people who had affairs in this nation would humble themselves before God and seek forgiveness from God and their spouse, I believe we would find redemption and new purpose for our lives.