Here are the things I see from scripture that should be important to us:
- Sanctity of life (don't murder, protect the unborn, respect for handicapped, honor for our elders)
- Truth trumps opinion (Jesus said I am the truth and the life. We should be careful that our views are based in fact and not merely speculation)
- Honoring of Marriage (unity of man and woman ordained by God, sexual purity in and outside of marriage, respect for men as the head of the household and women as the chief counsel for men, women to raise children to respect God, men to protect and provide for their homes just as God cares and protects us).
- Respect for diversity (realization that everyone is made uniquely by God and they have sets of strengths and differences that should be honored and not molded)
- Respect for authority (recognizing that God has ordained the authorities over us as He is Sovereign and that our authorities are responsible to God to uphold order and laws for the good of society)
- Respect and care for planet (God set man over the planet to care for it and to rule the animals. We should never mistreat the environment or the animals but they are subject to us).
Related to this Russian probe that seems to go on endlessly through news cycles it seems to get at the heart of the division in our nation. I want to know truth and I know I don't have all knowledge of the matter, but God does. So what do we really know?
During the election, Wikileaks released some very damaging emails uncovering some devastating news about Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party. The source of these leaks was tied to hackers that were sourced in Russia. We have known that Russia is the country of origin from a number of viruses and hacks so the source is not that surprising.
Because the release of information was exposed damaging truths about one party in particular, speculation ran rampant about who ordered the hacks and how "if" the Republican candidate were to arrange for a third party nation to bring down their opponent it would be collusion and delegitimize that Republican candidate. It was speculation without all the facts and designed to create doubt in the minds of Americans about their elected president. Until there are facts to support these claims, I think this violates God's principle of respect for authority. If there is evidence of wrongdoing, I believe the truth principle would dictate that evidence be exposed so that truth can be known.
Logic tells me that it doesn't make sense for Putin to be in cahoots with Trump. The candidate Putin should have wanted to win would have been Hillary. Her stand related to defense of American interests was much weaker than Trump she would have been the easier force for a foreign nation to overcome. As Putin, I would want to see a weak America and not a strong one.
I am offended by much of the news we see today. Just look at the headlines in the paper and the tag lines on social media. They are not based in fact, but designed to stir emotion. Most interviews posted on the internet come with lines like see this interviewer "utterly destroy, devastate, crush" their guest. Even the news anchors that should stick to fact and keep opinions to themselves are engaging in story telling and opinions- usually to put down anyone who doesn't believe as they do (violating the diversity principle and adding to the division of our nation).
No matter who would have won the election, the winner would have been disliked. The media generally leaning left would have portrayed the Democratic winner much more favorably but the nation who voted Republican would still have been in doubt.
Here's the deal. No one need get offended with another view. We should seek out fact and not depend on just opinion to guide us. We should seek to ensure that any elected leader is able to do his/her job effectively and if they are not operating in their nation's interest we should hold them accountable. God is Sovereign and He sees it all. We can still depend on Him while we are here on this planet and trust in Him for our eternal security.
May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him.
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