It isn't out of judgement that I speak out and The Lord knows I have failed to speak more than I have witnessed. It is out of love. I love them enough to share with them the opportunity to accept Heaven for themselves and to know the pure joy of fellowship with God himself. I long for them to see their faith confirmed and to have an assurance of their eternal home. God knows I long to share the love I have known with others.
I believe that eternal damnation is our destiny if we do not recognize our sin for what it is and to accept our only hope is in the substitutionary sacrifice if Jesus Christ. I don't want anyone I know to experience that suffering. It is eternal and there all hope is lost. It is greater than any suffering we know here and I know some people who have suffered severely. If Hell is worse, I don't want anyone there.
I think we have a problem. Far too many don't think their sin deserves judgment. In our own minds we are just not that bad. This thinking comes from comparing ourselves to people who have committed worse and loved less rather than comparing ourselves with a Holy God who cannot tolerate sin. We see God as the judge of others but not the judge of our hearts.
As for me, I know to stand before God and make my case for acceptance would be blasphemous. I am a sinner if the worst kind. I have betrayed my God and my faith countless times. My ONLY hope is in the finished work of Jesus Christ only behalf. He redeemed me for himself. I no longer belong to the sin that enslaved me but I can choose not to sin. Even so, I do sin and continually need to remember my hope is Jesus and not my own works.
On the other camp of sinners are those who believe they are too far gone in sin to be redeemed. For these there is great news, Jesus can redeem even the worst sinner. Think of the worst sinner you know...Hitler? Bin Laden? Jesus' offer of salvation is strong enough to redeem even them if they had only accepted it. The offer is only made for this life and then we are judged. If you are not covered by Jesus' blood which paid the penalty on advance for our sin you are forever lost.
If Christians really believed that sin is deadly and that God will Judge, we would be pleading for others to come to Jesus and we would not look so lightly on our own sin. The lost are all around, some content and others miserable but both needing a Savior. Will we pray that The Lord will soften their hearts, give them spiritual eyes to see and us a boldness to witness of the great hope we have in Jesus? May God have mercy on us of we let someone face eternity without God's presence because we failed to speak out.
Christians, our mission is not to live out our days in peace and tranquility, but they are to bear witness to the world that there is a Holy God who has paved the way for us to be redeemed! We have a hope of Heaven not because we are good but because Jesus is great!
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