Deuteronomy 5:8 (KJV)
Thou shalt not make thee [any] graven image, [or] any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the waters beneath the earth:
When you think about idolatry, it might feel like a distant practice of olden times conducted by ignorant peoples of superstition. You conjur up images of wooden or metal statues where people bowed and committed their worship. We look on these things and say that these images had no power and yet people attributed great power and authority to them. We have "evolved" and are much more intelligent than that. These people had replaced worship of God with the worship of mere trinkets.
In today's culture however, worship of God is frequently replaced with replacements that promise health, wealth and prosperity. The culture has, like Satan in the Garden, twisted the view of God and has justified the making of happiness the chief goal of life rather than holiness. Satan speaks into our ear and offers cheap substitutes that have the promise of happiness; wealth, intelligence, power, health all promise to deliver our desire. Once achieved however, we find that they are empty victories, devoid of happiness. The road travelled did not lead us to our destination. The pursuit of Holiness seems to offer none of the joys of earthly pursuits, but those who pursue it find that they get the jackpot. Holiness and happiness are intertwined. There is no greater joy than walking with God and enjoying his fellowship.
We are trained from birth that materialism is ultimate achievement. Our happiness can be found in having more stuff. Advertising tells us we are worth it and that we can't live without it. We measure our worth based on the quantity and quality of our stuff. We know we have more than the vast majority of the world, but we can't let go or stop the pursuit for fear of what it will do to the measure of our self worth.
Getting by and making do are just not an option for most. The truth is that we don't really find our worth until we look at Jesus who found us to be so valuable and so precious that he left Heaven, assumed the skin of a man and then sacrificed himself to redeem us. That is true worth. Power is his too. He has all power since it was in him that all things are created. The truth is that most of us have bought in (at least in small measure) to the lie that ease, enjoyment and abundance in earth are the goal. My friend, please take your eyes off the world's measures and set your eyes on God's measures. Each and every materialist will one day stand before The Lord to account for how they have lived here. Life here is fleeting, but eternity is forever.
If, however, you will pursue holiness and train your thinking to God's standard you will find your life has purpose, direction and has more fulfillment than anyone could have imagined. You will find that even your desires change so that there is no depravation and your joy is complete. If you are a Christian, you are not of this world. You are only temporarily assigned here to complete the Master's calling. When you have finished your work, your reward in Heaven will be much greater than even the best earth has to offer. Chase after that reward and lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven.
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