The thing is that the happiness that dolls and toys bring is short lived. There is great joy as they anticipate the gift and open it, but after a few hours they excitement wears off and the toy joins the ranks of its colleagues.
I shared with the girls that it is really Jesus' birthday and He is the one who should get all the gifts, but instead of getting gifts He gives them. I told him how in the Garden of Eden, Adam messed things up for all of us when He sinned against God. Ever since that first sin, everyone born has some of it inside us. We all know there is bad inside us. We sometimes don't do what we should.
God is Holy and perfect so to be friends with us He had to fix our sin. We couldn't be good enough to overcome the bad in us. We just can't make the bad go away. God sent a perfect child. It was His Son Jesus who had been with God in Heaven even when Adam was here. Jesus became a baby, then a boy, and then a man so he could show us what perfection was like. Then he took our place on the cross so our sin could be fixed and we could be friends with God again. That is why we have a big celebration at Christmas. We decorate and give gifts and have a feast because Jesus came to earth to help us beat sin and be friends with God.
We will one day be with Jesus in Heaven to thank him but if we really believe in Him, He will come and live in our hearts even now. Have you ever seen the signs that say believe? That is what it means to believe girls. We believe that Jesus is Gods Son who came to fix our sin problem that Adam gave us. We couldn't fix ourselves but God loved us so much He wanted to be friends again with His people. But only those who really believe can have that friendship.
We can pray together. Dear God, I believe that you sent your Son Jesus to fix my sin problem. I believe He overcame sin so that I can too. Please forgive me for the times I have messed up and disappointed you. I accept your gift of Jesus at Christmas will you let him live inside me? I love you and want to be good friends with you. Amen.