Trump is a reflection of American disillusionment with Washington status quo. Americans have come to expect that power and corruption are so intertwined that any politician is corrupt by virtue of association. Both Trump and Sanders campaigned on their "outsider" status, suggesting that real change can only be brought about in Washington by electing someone who is not part of the political machine. I believe this is one of the reasons he has gained the nomination. Before we go too far, please let's remember eight years ago when candidate Obama basically ran on the same talking points. His "Hope and Change" message spoke to the populous who elected him.
Trump, much like President Obama, is divisive in his rhetoric. By calling out one side against another. Suggesting that there are demons among us (usually anyone who does not agree with them) both Trump and Obama have exacerbated tensions in our country rather than uniting people together under a common vision. Trump is the republican version of Obama in his demeanor. While republicans shout that to elect Hillary is to get another term of Obama; they should also look at their own candidate as well.
While Trump is running on an anti-Washington stand, I contend that anti-Washington sentiments will continue to grow as more and more Americans are tied to government programs for their standard of living. When Americans are not directly seeing the impact of Washington's choices there is less to lose personally. As we depend on Washington to dole out the benefits we have come to deem "rights", the public will continue to be disillusioned with the leadership in Washington no matter which party is in power.
Democrats,on the other hand create a message of victimization. Race, women's equality, right to abortions, immigration, ex-offenders, poverty. Virtually any disadvantaged category of people is encouraged to believe they have been victimized by the "system" and they have a need for government intervention. The "system" as defined by the left are those corporations who profiteer off the hardships of the downcast and the bigoted people of privilege who defend them. These corporate forces are deemed to keep the underclass cast down; unable to gain access to any opportunity.
Just a side not about BLM since they have been vocal recently and speak to the disenfranchised. The Black Lives Matter people are more against corruption of people in authority than they are about gaining respect for the black population. If they really believed that black lives should be esteemed, they would boycott the millions of abortions that take the lives of black babies and the horrific crimes that are committed in neighborhoods that are largely black. They would mourn the absence of black fathers in the homes inspiring their children to take advantage of the opportunities they have to get a good education and to become someone that their own children can look up to. BLM has made police and whites their enemy, perhaps embracing the vicitimization message spewed by the left. They don't seem to believe they can with perseverance and determination make a better life for themselves. As long as they see themselves as victims they never will.
The left believes in government intervention to provide for those who struggle and are disadvantaged. Charity is deemed prejudicial and ineffective in delivering community responses. In effect, by forcing charity upon the citizens, they send a message that Americans are not generous enough to invest in solutions for struggling people of their locality and that the solutions offered would not be broadly applied to every struggling person. Let's add new taxes and create programs that don't look to provide long term benefit, but merely band-aid a cancer.
Food assistance, publicly funded housing, and financial assistance have all grown in recent years. Such assistance should be temporary solutions with the goal of employment solving the need, but those receiving benefits are more often long term beneficiaries. This leaves new applicants wondering why they should sacrifice time with children and pay for their care in order to have a low wage job that doesn't get them ahead. Their standard of living can be just as good under government charity. Yet even that standard of living is not anything Americans should aspire to. We are a nation built on perseverance and hard work. Our dream was to make a better life for the generations to follow. Perhaps we are abandoning what has made our nation so great.
Right leaners would say that even if you don't like the Presidential nominee, you must vote because of the potential for the multiple Supreme Court nominations that will likely take place under this administration. Unfortunately, there is a cultural shift that no court can ever change. Our nation has called evil good and good evil. No court can change the heart of a nation. Only as individuals see their son and return to God will our land be healed.
What does the Bible say about times like this?
2 Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV) if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
Consider some biblical principles we can use for this election.
God puts leaders in place
Romans 13:1 (NKJV) For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.
Think of this. The President of Mexico, the Shah of Iran, the rulers of every country are appointed by God and serve His purposes. Both the benevolent and the wicked rulers are used in God's plan; even those who hold themselves against God. God determines the ruler and no election can stand against His appointment. If the next President is wicked, that President can still be used by God - and will be accountable to God for what they did with their power.
God can replace leaders at his discretion.
Consider the story of Saul who failed to obey God's commands. He was selected by God to be the first king of Israel and then dethroned by God when he went his own way. 1 Samuel 15:26. In our own country, God is able to raise the leader up and to take them down. With or without an election.
Even misguided and evil leaders can be used for God's purposes
Consider Pharaoh of Egypt in Moses' time. Pharaoh set himself against God and refused to release the Israelites from bondage though plague after plague depleted the land and resulted in devastation and death to the people. God used Pharaoh's hard heart to display His glory so that no one would be in doubt that God was real and He was the force behind His people Israel. Though hardship and tragedy may befall the people, it is God who judges the nation. Rulers are but a tool in God's hand.
The people should honor their leaders and pray for their good.
I Timothy 2:1-4 Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
A great model for this was Daniel who prayed for the Kings who held Israel in captivity. He prayed for their long life and for their welfare. God heard the prayers of Daniel and displayed His power not only to Daniel but also to the Kings he served.
Before we criticize our President or even our leaders in congress, can we truly say we have prayed for God to grant them wisdom know right and courage to do it? Have we prayed for their salvation and their walk with the Lord to be strengthened? We as a nation have a command to carry out and our leaders cannot govern effectively without God's intervention so we must be in prayer for them. We need to develop in our own relationship that we can go to God and know that He hears our prayers. Far too many do not pray because we have distanced ourselves from God and gone our own way.
Until we see our own need of God's intervention in our lives we cannot effectively be governed by a mere mortal. Until Jesus himself is President of our hearts, our nation is doomed to God's judgement. We as a nation have lost our way. We have called wrong right and we have abandoned our first love of the Lord. Only when we get ourselves right will we see the elected authorities reflect godly character.
While the current climate is one of our own making because we have as a nation turned away from God and excused and sometimes embraced sin, God has a bigger plan that is far greater than any one nation's power. He allows societies to go their own way and reap the consequences of their sins. Yet, He still stands firm in his offer of salvation and redemption to anyone who will embrace it. He still has yet to return for Hos people and establish His Kingdom. If we will but open God's word we can see the signs God foretold ages ago.
If there was ever a time we need to pray for strength to stand firm and for our loved ones to be saved it is now. Time is short and the real King is coming.