Should I be forced to pay for an act I consider immoral and vile? In this case my sympathies are with Hobby Lobby, but what if I were among those who are opposed to military interventions and believe in peaceful negotiations as the only viable alternative to resolving conflict? Would I also be opposed to the government using my money against my will? Granted, it is a little different than forcing someone to directly pay, but just the same it is government acting againsnt a persons will.
At issue is that government assumes the role of God directing the affairs of the nation. When that governance is in alignment with God's will, they act justly and wisely. When that governance is against God's will, then the government has overstepped its bounds.
As a nation, I think we did a better job in our early years if seeking God's will and applying ourselves to following it. Now, we are closer to a nation of Baal worship pets than we are to fearing God and seeking His pleasure. Instead, each does what is wise in their own eyes and pursues his own way.
The solution is for our nation to trust Jesus as their Lord and look to Him for wisdom. We don't impose religion, but share that there is universal truth and there are moral rights and wrongs. We are not entitled to our own morality and our own judgment. God is judge and the moral law giver.
Praise God for helping Hobby Lobby. I pray for those women who find themselves with a child, that they would turn to God and find the rest they long for. I pray that even though treatments may be accessible to them that the wood embrace life and consider the rights if the child even as they are mapping out their own plans.
When government acts outside their authority, tell God and ask for His intervention. I think you may be astounded at the answers to your prayers.
May Gid richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him.