Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Treatment of the Poor

The US is a nation of great opportunity where a person of humble means can change their lot and achieve the dream of wealth beyond the reach of the majority of other nations. Even the poor in this country have enjoyed greater provision, freedom and opportunity than most. Our nation was founded on some very Christian principles that with hard work the poor can enjoy adequate accommodations. 

Unions took control when there were poor workers being oppressed by capitalist business owners who reaped great profit at the expense of the welfare of their staff. "He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God" Prvb 14:31

Our laws are designed to give a fresh start to the poor. Bankruptcy laws offer something similar to the cancellation of debts in Deut 15:1-2. "At the end of every 7 years you must cancel debts.  This is how it shall be done: Every creditor shall cancel the loan he has made to his fellow Israelite. He shall not require payment, because the Lord's time for canceling debts has been proclaimed."

Even government programs like SNAP (food stamps) are patterned after biblical directions to feed the poor and to provide for their welfare. 

Charities throughout the nation reach out with support for those who are in need. Caring for our fellow man in need is a very Biblical concept. Gleaning in the fields was meant to be provision for the poor. We are told that as God grants us abundance it is for us to be able to share with those in need. As churches, we have an opportunity to demonstrate Christ's love through practical acts if kindness which can also open the door to share the gospel. 

We are not to disregard the needs of the poor or to look down on them because when it comes to salvation, we all stand poor and needy at the foot of the cross. 

The poor are also instructed to work. 2 Thess 3:10 "if a man will not work, he shall not eat". In Pr 10:4 "Lazy hands make a man poor". 

The poor will always be among us for there will always be need. Our physical needs are a shadow of our great spiritual need. Our abundance is a shadow of Hod's great grace poured out not based on merit but on love for us. Even the poor are challenged to be good stewards if the  provision from God they have received and acknowledge that God has provided for all of their needs according to His riches in glory. 

We Christians are living in a time unlike any other where we can be salt and light to a world that is list and dying without hope of eternity in Heaven. We have great abundance to share and a message to proclaim. Our entitlement economy has downplayed the responsibility to work, oppression still exists and people long to have relief and peace that only God can provide. 

Benevolence is just part of the equation. If we are not in the business of transforming lives and discipling believers in the doctrines of the faith we have failed. It isn't about giving a handout, but a help up. That help can be physical and tangible, but it should never neglect the spiritual. 

There is great opportunity here. The fields are white into harvest if we will but share the abundance we have received. Look around you. If there are unbelievers in your circles, they are poor indeed. If there is someone suffering physically, be Christ to them. "The King will reply, ' I tell you the truth, whatever you have done for the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me'" Matt 25:40.